Wednesday 1 April 2015

When I discovered the power of together

In this world every thing is possible as long as hope and optimism are constantly by your side. One realizes the importance of these two most important ingredients in human life only when the dark clouds of disappointment cast their shadow in your life. It is at this specific juncture of a person’s life that both hope and optimism come into your life like the rainbow after a spell of rain. They take away the gloom and cast a magic spell of cheerfulness.
I had been a most contented child always lost in my childhood dreams. First it was my toys especially my dolls. They were soon replaced by books. Books of adventure and romance kept me occupied day and night. As a result I was just an average student who passed from class to class without getting any accolades or merit. This was all about to change for me as I was going to have a taste of what deep waters are like. All my classmates had aspirations and they were working hard to achieve their goals. Some wanted to become a doctor while some wanted to join the field of engineering. One day as I sat chatting with my group of friends, I was the only one without a purpose. I felt greatly ashamed before my friends because so far I had not paid any importance to my future nor made any plans.
I went home feeling greatly depressed. I went and sat in my room without talking to any one. My family felt greatly perturbed by my behavior. They could not make me share my thoughts and so they did not know what was disturbing me. I was quite close to my grandmother and it was my daily routine to go to her room and spend an hour or so with her. She would talk to me about her childhood and describe in detail the village where she used to live before she got married to my grand father. My grand father was at that time employed in the city. So my grand mother moved to the city with him.
This evening when I failed to appear in her room she came to my room and finding me sad and dejected, lovingly caressed my head. I suddenly broke into tears, tears which were warm and hot and would not stop. When my crying subsided I confided in her as to what had happened during the day and how all my friends had plans except me. I was afraid that I had left things unattended for too long and maybe it was now too late. I had no special skills. She caught hold of my hand and lovingly looked into my eyes. She said that it was never too late and I had the potential to carve a career for myself. Her words had great strength and were greatly inspiring. She stayed # together with me for an hour or more. We discussed my subjects in detail she made me realize that though I was an average student but my fundamentals were strong and I could still choose a career of my choice. She was certain that by dint of my hard work and if I applied my knowledge with a purpose there was nothing to stop me from achieving my goal.
This being #together with my grand mother changed my life completely. I now studied with a purpose and eventually passed out of school with flying colors. Not only this I also got selected to a reputed medical college. All this would not have been possible without those moments of being #together with my grand mother.

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